AIO Blogcast 22: Interview with OdysseyFan
Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

You asked and we heard! We've gotten lots of feedback asking us to do more interviews. So, today, we're releasing an interview that we did with OdysseyFan, the biggest AIO collector out there! Here's a run down of what's in store:
What's in this podcast:
OdysseyFan talks about how he started his collection, making the first AIO website ever, and more!
Most definitely our funniest and most jam-packed blooper reel ever!
Download to your computer
So what did you think of this podcast or Season 3 overall? We love to get feedback from you guys! You can make us happy by posting a comment on this post, on our Facebook page, on the Town of Odyssey, or by using the contact form on our Contact page. And while you're at it, vote on the poll in the side bar to tell us what your favorite podcast from this season.
Thank you all for listening! We hope to be back in the fall. Until then, have a great summer!
Podcast Notes:
>> Check out OdysseyFan's website.
>> Like OdysseyFan's page on Facebook to see pics of his collection and post yours!
>> Visit the fan-favorite website, the Adventures in Odyssey HQ.
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