Posted by dasfseegdseMinggu, 26 Mei 20130
Did you miss the ACTS live webcast this past week? Don't fret! The Official Podcast brings us a video podcast with several highlights from the event. The special guests include Brock Eastman, Chris Anthony, Katie Leigh, and more! Watch it now!
Even though the Blogcast is over, we still want to interview people connected with AIO. Today, we present what we hope to be the first of many audio/video interviews on our YouTube channel: a chat with David Griffin, the voice of Jimmy Barclay!
In the interview, Dave answers questions about his experiences recording for AIO, what other character he'd like to play, and gives some updates on his audio projects: "Bunker 21" and Edwin & the Orbs."
Be sure to subscribe to our channel. We'd really appreciate it!
The Odyssey team brings us another fun and informative interview; this time with Alan Young! In the podcast, Bob & Jesse ask Alan about playing Jack Allen, his experiences on the Alan Young Show and Mr. Ed, and more! It's a wonderful thing to hear from one of AIO's most beloved actors. Listen to it now!
Back in 2008, the Official AIO Podcast showed us a video clip of an Indian version of Odyssey then being produced and filmed. Now, a full episode of that show is up on YouTube. It's based on the episode Rumor Has It. It's in Hindi, but it has English subtitles.
You'll want to make sure you see this. It's really interesting to see how AIO is reaching people in other countries (and languages)!
Edit:A new video has been uploaded. This one is for Mike Makes Right.
Bob & Jesse reveal more details about the ACTS (A Call To Serve) contest in an all-new video podcast! It also features the return of Dr. Brock Lee! See it now!