Adventures in Odyssey Live!
Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Wahoo!The cover art for Adventures in Odyssey Live!I'm really excited about this release and I'm sure you are too.
This special CD/DVD release is a recording of the 2008 live show, BTV:Live!. This awesome set includes:
*DISC 1 - CD
BTV: Live! All-New Extended Episode (approx. 50 minutes)
Live Q&A: Actors and Writers Answer the Audience (approx. 20 minutes)
Live the Experience Event Slideshow... with over 200 photos from the show! (approx. 50 minutes)
Fan on the Street Video Interviews [testimonials from Adventures in Odyssey fans] (approx. 8 minutes)
Focus on the Family radio broadcast with Dr. James C. Dobson: "Celebrating 20 Years of Adventures in Odyssey" AIO listeners from around the world share their testimonies with Dr. James C. Dobson (approx. 50 minutes)
Bonus: $3 off purchase of The Official Guide
This AIO product is set to be released in May 2009.It seems so long away!
Judul: Adventures in Odyssey Live!
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