Darien's Rise Part 1 Now Airing!
Sabtu, 19 September 2009

Wahoo! Passages:Darien's Rise Part I is now airing!Just hearing it on the radio made my spirits soar. Did you miss it? Don't worry. Listen to it online.Also, if you want to discuss today's episode, feel free to post your thoughts here or got to the Official Darien's Rise Discussion Thread on the Town of Odyssey. No promises, but maybe I'll post my thoughts (in written form) on each part on the blog and I think that Chris and Sarah might review these eps on their podcast.
P.S. Don't forget to listen to LizzieG and Taq's interview with Nathan Hoobler about Passages. Go here to get it. And check out the devotional for this episode too.
Notice: This episode is no longer available to hear on the Focus on the Family player.
Judul: Darien's Rise Part 1 Now Airing!
Ditulis oleh dasfseegdse
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