AIO Blogcast 4: Review of The Inspiration Station Part 1 & 2
Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

We're back for another go-around in the 4th episode of the Adventures in Odyssey Blogcast!
What's in this podcast:
Austin and Tasha's review of The Inspiration Station Part 1 & 2
A new newscast
A quick teaser of our BIG surprise(More details coming soon)!
The first blooper you guys have heard of our recording sessions!
Oops! Sorry guys! The deadline for the Act Like Odyssey contest isn't until March 31!
Download to your computer
We really appreciate any feedback about our podcast. Just post a comment here, on Facebook, or on the disccusion thread on the ToO.
And keep watching for the BIG surprise we've been talking about. It's going to be a good one!
Podcast Notes
>> Enter the Act Like Odyssey Contest
>> Visit the AIO Blog on Facebook!
Judul: AIO Blogcast 4: Review of The Inspiration Station Part 1 & 2
Ditulis oleh dasfseegdse
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