AIO Blogcast Ep.18: Interview with Phil Lollar Part 1
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Season 3 of the AIO Blogcast is here and what a way to start! In this episode, you'll hear Natasha and I interview Phil Lollar, the creator of Odyssey. In it, you'll get to hear about why Blackgaard returned in Blackgaard's Revenge, the reason behind the split episodes, and find out the AIO spin-off show that could have happened during the split era.
All this and lots more are in our longest podcast ever, clocking in at 1:34:13. So go ahead and listen to the podcast that could become your favorite!
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Do you like what you hear? Then tell us! Just leave a comment on this post, comment on our Facebook page, or on our discussion thread on the ToO.
And stay tuned for part 2 of the interview. That's coming soon!
Judul: AIO Blogcast Ep.18: Interview with Phil Lollar Part 1
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