AIO Blogcast 24: Review of Wooton Knows Best & A Penny Saved
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

The new season has started and so have our reviews of the new episodes! So get ready for lots of laughs and see which of us is more observant!
What's in this podcast:
Our thoughts and opinions on Wooton Knows Best and A Penny Saved
A teaser of the next episode
Another great blooper reel
Download to your computer
So what are your thoughts about our latest installment? We'd love to hear from you! Our address is Adventures in Odyssey, Color...whoops! Wrong one! You can tell us what you think of the Blogcast or the Blog by posting a comment on this post, writing something on our wall on Facebook, email us with a contact form, or posting something on our ToO discussion thread.
Make sure to join us for our next podcast!
Podcast Notes:
>> Check out Dave's AIO Blog
>> See the schedule for the new season
Judul: AIO Blogcast 24: Review of Wooton Knows Best & A Penny Saved
Ditulis oleh dasfseegdse
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