AIO Blogcast 34: Interview with Brendon McFarland
Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Talking with other Odyssey fans is always a blast and today, we get to do just that! In this podcast, we interview Brendon McFarland, the host of the Whit's End Podcast and the creator of the Campbell County Message Boards.
What's in this podcast:
Bren tells us about when he first started listening to AIO, how he started podcasting, and his love of Southern Gospel music.
Legacy Five music!
And uh...that's it.
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Podcast Notes:
>> Listen to the Whit's End Podcast.
>> Join the Campbell County Message Boards.
>> Find out more about Legacy Five.
Judul: AIO Blogcast 34: Interview with Brendon McFarland
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