Pink Wallpaper
Rabu, 25 September 2013

Pink Wallpaper
Color schemes come and go with different design trends, but pink has always been a favorite among designers. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just a "weak" or "feminine" color-it can also convey strength, power, creativity, and a range of other moods. In fact, it's one of the most versatile colors for home design, right up with classic hues like beige, black and white. If your home needs a visual lift, a bit of pink may be just what you need.
Pink Wallpaper
Choose a shade of pink that goes with the look you're going for. If you want something more neutral, look into pastel shades, or stay as close to white as possible. For a bold contemporary look, try using jewel tones, dark pinks, or even neons. Throw in a touch of blue for a nice, cool feel, or warm it up with peach or rose pink. Feel like going vintage? Look for old rose or a grayish pink shade, and pair it off with some elegant floral prints.
Pink Wallpaper
You can also choose between plain and patterned pieces. Pink goes well with just about any print; it's really just a matter of personal style. Modern homes tend to use bold colors and patterns, so hot pink stripes may go well with a contemporary couch or rug. If you're designing a girl's room, try soft pink wallpaper with a cute heart or flower pattern. Or if you want to keep it neat, keep the walls a plain pink and just throw in a few accessories.
Pink Wallpaper
If you don't want too much pink, add in a secondary color to balance it out. Each shade of pink works with a different color combination. There are online color pickers you can use to mix and match until you find one that works. Some of the most popular combinations are pale pink and chocolate brown, fuchsia and black, and pink and purple.
Pink Wallpaper
Area rugs are a great way to introduce pink into your home without overdoing it. Floors often dictate the overall look and feel of a room, so a colored rug can help define your color scheme or set the mood. A pink rug instantly brightens up a room, giving it that welcoming feel without being overpowering. Rugs now come in all sorts of styles-you can go for light bamboo, a cute round rug, or a large elegant piece for your living room.TERIMA KASIH ATAS KUNJUNGAN SAUDARA
Judul: Pink Wallpaper
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