AIO Blogcast 10: 2 Year Celebration
Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Just when you thought it'd never come,it comes! The special 10th podcast is now up and ready for you to listen to it!
What's in the podcast:
A new newscast
Clips from the he never before released pilot episode!
History about the AIO Blog and Blogcast
Lots of laughs
More bloopers
Download to your computer
This podcast was the most complex and funny podcast I've made to date. Tasha and I would love to hear what you think of it. To do that, just post a comment on this post, tell us on Facebook, or on the AIO Blogcast discussion thread on The Town of Odyssey.
Have a great summer everyone! Keep checking back for more great stuff.
P.S. I apologize that we didn't have a "What You Like About the AIO Blog" segment. We received very little entries so the idea was scrapped.
Podcast Notes:
>> Take our survey to tell us what you think about the AIO Blog.
>> See how our logo's changed over the years in the Evolution of the AIO Blog Logo video.
>> Find out more about the exciting radio drama, Jonathan Park.
Judul: AIO Blogcast 10: 2 Year Celebration
Ditulis oleh dasfseegdse
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