Unofficial Podcast 61
Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Can you believe it's been over 6 months since we've heard from Chris & Sarah? I don't know how I'm still alive! Well, after their looong hiatus, the Unofficial Podcast has returned with Episode #61!
As it turns out, it's their last podcast!! But you can't say they don't go out with a bang. In this special podcast, Chris & Sarah talk about the future of their podcast, talk about Album 51, and more! Make sure to check out the over-an-hour episode to hear some hearty farewells.
I want to say thanks to the UAIOP team for many laughs and Odyssey discussions over the years. It's been a hallmark in the AIO fan community for many years and a favorite podcast of mine. We love you guys!
Judul: Unofficial Podcast 61
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