A Change of (Abum) Art for the AIO Blogcast Contest
Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

I had originally intended to have a new pic to release with our tenth episode but that didn't work out. So now I'm giving you a chance to change it yourself!
And that is this month's contest: make your own album art for the Blogcast.
What you have to do:
1. Create your own original album art for our podcast. Be as creative as possible, but make sure to include the words "AIO Blogcast" or "Adventures in Odyssey Blogcast" on your album art.
2. Send a 800 x 800 and 100 x 100 size of your art to austinpeachey@yahoo.com.
You may also upload your files on another site such as File Flyer and send me the link for it through my email.
Make sure to get your entries in before August 27th!
Edit: The date has been extended to September 16 so you can have more time to work on your project.
After all the entries have been collected, the photos will be posted on this site.
Then you and everyone one else who visits this blog, will vote on which one should be the Blogcast's new album art. The person who's photo with the most votes is the winner.
And what does the winner get?
The winner will receive 50 ToO dollars and the winner's album art will be shown on the first podcast of Season 2 of the AIO Blogcast and on every episode for all the world to see.
Here's some guidelines for the contest:
Do not send in any objectionable pictures. Anyone who does so will be disqualified.
You must be a member of the Town of Odyssey to enter.
Only one submission per person.
That's it. Get started on your submissions!
Judul: A Change of (Abum) Art for the AIO Blogcast Contest
Ditulis oleh dasfseegdse
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi saudara. Jika ingin mengutip, baik itu sebagian atau keseluruhan dari isi artikel ini harap menyertakan link dofollow ke http://wallpaper-elegant.blogspot.com/2010/08/a-change-of-abum-art-for-aio-blogcast.html. Terima kasih sudah singgah membaca artikel ini.Ditulis oleh dasfseegdse
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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