Cool AIO Website Updates!
Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010
First off, The Odyssey Scoop has updated their Chicken Soup section into a section completely run by fan AIO

Another neat thing up on The Odyssey Times' blog is a special music feature where you can listen to some of the music featured on AIO! Make sure to point your mouse in that direction.

Also the digital encyclopedia of Adventures in Odyssey, AIO Wiki, is celebrating 100,000 edits plus several neat statistics and the release of some new cool features. Head on over to find out more!
Lastly, there's a Battle of the Podcast over on the ToO, round 1 actually. It's to see which podcast is tops. So make sure to go vote, especially if you vote for the AIO Blogcast :D!
Well, that's all for now. TTYL!
Judul: Cool AIO Website Updates!
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